
HTML Sitemap with Umbraco

February 6, 2015 by Christopher Sherman

HTML sitemaps provide visitors with a bird’s-eye view of a website. I use one on my 404 error page to help users assist users in finding content. In this tutorial, I’ll explain how to add a HTML sitemap to an Umbraco 7 project.

  • In Umbraco back office, click on the Developer menu item.
  • Hover over Partial View Macro Files folder and click the ellipsis followed by Create.
  • Name the file SitemapPartialMacro, leave checkbox to create a macro checked, and click Create.
  • Add the code below to the Template field.
@inherits Umbraco.Web.Macros.PartialViewMacroPage
@_ Render the sitemap by passing the root node to the traverse helper _@

<div class="sitemap">
 <a href="/">Home</a>
@* Helper method to travers through all descendants *@
@helper Traverse(IPublishedContent node)
 @* Update the level to reflect how deep you want the sitemap to go *@
 var maxLevelForSitemap = 4;
@* Select visible children *@
 var items = node.Children
 .Where("hideFromSitemap != true")
 .Where("Level <= " + maxLevelForSitemap);
@* If any items are returned, render a list *@
 if (items.Count() > 0)
 @foreach (var item in items)
 <a href="@item.Url">@item.Name</a>
 @* Run the traverse helper again *@
  • Remaining in the Developer menu, expand the Macros folder and click on the macro we created.
  • Under the EDITOR SETTINGS properties heading, select the check box to use in the rich text editor. Click Save.


  • Under the Settings main menu item, expand Document Types and hover over your master document type clicking the ellipsis.
  • Click Create, name it TextPage, leave the checkbox to create a template checked, and click Create.
  • On the Properties tab, add a rich text editor property with the alias message.


  • Open your master document type and add a True/False property with the alias hideFromSitemap.
  • Open your home page document type, select the Structure tab and select TextPage as an allowable child node.
  • Remaining in the Settings menu, expand the Templates folder, and select the TextPage template we created in a previous step.
  • Paste the code below into the template, being sure to change the Layout field to match the name of your layout template.
@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoTemplatePage
Layout = "\_Layout.cshtml";

 <div class="row">
 <div class="large-12 columns">

@if (Model.Content.HasValue("tagline"))


<div class="row">
 <div class="small-12">
 <section class="page-container">
  • Under the Content main menu item, hover over your home page, click the ellipsis, and add a TextPage.
  • Name the page Sitemap.
  • Navigate to the tab with your message property, in the rich text editor menu click the Insert macro icon and select SitemapPartialViewMacro.


  • Select the True/False property to exclude the sitemap page from the sitemap.
  • Click Save and publish.
